


I am writing a story right now which I thought I would give you a preview of. I have not finished it yet. Here is a preview:
"My name is Ivy Jennings. I'm almost twelve. I got here on a scholarship for percussion. I'm from Columbia, Maryland. I have a sister named Abbi who is six years old. I have a dog named Riley." I sat back down.
That isn't all the stuff about me. My parents are gay. Because of that, my sister and I were adopted from Russia when I was seven and Abbi was 16 months. I also don't want to be a drummer; I want to be a detective. That isn't all the stuff about me. My parents are gay. Because of that, my sister and I were adopted from Russia when I was seve Abbi was 16 months. I also don't want to be a drummer; I want to be a detective.