Victoria Justice
Scene 2: iCarly Set
(In character, Filming iCarly)
Miranda: I don't know...
Jennette: Just trust me.
(Not in Character)
Dan: Cut! Jennette, sound more sneaky. You are about to do a bad thing. Let's take a break.
(Opens laptop and is looking at auditions.)
Nathan: What's that?
Dan: It's a contest I'm holding for a new TV show.
Nathan: Isn't eight enough?
Dan: Miranda is going to college in a few years and this show will take iCarly's place.
Nathan: Those all are from a school from Hollywood Arts High School. That girl looks like Shelby Marx.
Dan: Oh, yeah!
(In video)
Tori: Hi! My name is Tori Vega and I live in Hollywood Hills in California and attend Hollywood Arts High School. I sing, dance, and act. I have been in a couple movies and performed as the ice-cream cone in the diddly bops.
Dan: Wow. Great stuff to work with.

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