In ten high schools in Chicago, Illinois, they had collected $190,000 in fines for chewing gum and having shoelaces untied. " The fees offset the cost of running in the detention program and help keep small problems from becoming big ones" claimed officials from the school.
    The students protested. But they were not alone. A Chicago advocacy group called Parents United for Responsible Education (PURE). " This goes over the line... fining someone for having their shoe laces untied (or) a button unbuttoned goes to harassment not discipline." said the executive director of PURE.
    Some school have demerits.Instead of paying a five dollar fine, you get a demerit. If you get four demerits in two weeks, you get detention and a five dollar fine. If you get 12 detentions you have to go to a summer behavior class that costs you $140.
    The total amount maximum for the 10 Chicago high schools costs $900! The demerits costs $200. That is $700 dollars less! Even though both cost a lot of money.

6/3/2012 11:12:48 pm

I heard that you used that story for SCH ( Simulated Congressional Hearing. )


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